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ICYMI – MuckRack’s Who Shared My Link

By Gina Milani

March 17, 2020

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The best things in life are free and Muckrack’s handy tool is available for free on and does all the searching for you. Simply enter any URL into the WSML search box and instantly find out how many times it was shared, and which journalists and bloggers shared it.

In an effort not to recreate the wheel, I will point you to a great little article by Emma Haddad, the PR manager over at MuckRack, 7 creative ways to use Muck Rack’s Who Shared My Link toolIn it she covers:

1. Measuring the reach of a story

2. Measuring the impact of a story

3. Extending the life of your story

4. Newsjacking

5. Dealing with a budding crisis

6. Discovering who is covering/sharing stories about your competitors

7. Sharing user-friendly reports

Drag the Bookmarklet into your bookmarks bar to instantly install WSML into your browser, and start using Who Shared My Link!


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