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The Pressure to Prove ROI: Insights from NetBase’s 2019 Global Social Media Market Survey

By Gina Milani

September 17, 2019

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The Growing Pressure on PR Pros and Marketers It’s not just PR professionals who are feeling the heat from the C-Suite to demonstrate their impact on moving customers through the purchase funnel. Marketers have faced this pressure since the inception of marketing. As a result, they are constantly searching for tools that can provide them with the most relevant social data.

NetBase’s 2019 Global Social Media Market Survey Report NetBase has released its “2019 Global Social Media Market Survey Report,” offering key insights from a global survey of over 1,700 senior marketers. This report delivers comprehensive perspectives on how these marketers are leveraging social media analytics to drive business growth.

Key Findings from the Report

Leadership in Social Media: Who’s in Charge and Why It Matters The report highlights who typically heads social media efforts within organizations and explains why leadership in this area is critical. Understanding who leads these initiatives can influence how strategies are developed and executed.

Brands vs. Agencies: Roles and Expectations One of the critical areas the report explores is the differing roles and expectations of brands versus agencies in managing social media. It provides insights into how each party contributes to community management, campaign strategy, customer care, and real-time crisis tracking.

Essential Social Channels and Their Impact The report also identifies the most vital social channels used by marketers worldwide. Knowing which platforms are most effective can help businesses prioritize their social media strategies and investments.

Measuring ROI: The Ultimate Challenge Marketers continue to grapple with the challenge of measuring ROI on social media efforts. The NetBase report sheds light on the various methods and metrics used by top marketers to quantify their success.

The Social Analytics “Wish List” Lastly, the report compiles a detailed “wish list” from marketers regarding what they desire in social analytics solutions. This wish list includes features and functionalities that could enhance the effectiveness of social media campaigns and overall business strategies.

By understanding who leads social initiatives, the roles of brands and agencies, the importance of specific social channels, and how to measure ROI, businesses can better navigate the complexities of social media marketing.

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