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Podcasting as a Top Digital Marketing Channel in 2024

By Gina Milani

April 4, 2024

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I recently read a useful article by Tech Journalist, Linda Rosencrance – Top 5 Digital Marketing Channels to Generate Sales in 2024 and How to Use Them.  One of the areas she covers is Podcasting – which has become an important element in Public Relations.  In her article she emphasizes, that Podcasting will be viewed as Top digital marketing channel and successful podcast marketing relies on developing captivating content tailored to your industry and your audience.

Some of her tips:

  1. Address your audience’s interests as well as their challenges, then offer them solutions to deal with those challenges.
  2. Ask industry experts to share their insights to enhance your credibility and help you reach more listeners.
  3. After you’ve developed your content, you have to promote it. Use your current marketing platforms, including email newsletters and social media, to highlight episodes of your podcast.
  4. Encourage listeners to subscribe to your podcast, share it, and provide feedback.

How to find Podcasters to Pitch?

What if you want to find and pitch a podcast for a client?  PRToolFinder has a category with a comprehensive list of Podcast Monitoring, Search & Directories.  This category encompasses a range of valuable tools; from identifying podcasters relevant to your clients or industries, to keyword tracking of words and phrases within podcasts for story development.

For businesses utilizing podcasting as a regular promotional tool, these tools prove indispensable in monitoring podcast performance, analyzing audience engagement. They identify relevant trends and play a crucial role in leveraging the power of audio for successful marketing and audience connection.

Podcast Recording Tools

If you’re looking to create your own podcast, you’ll need some tools for that too.  Podcast recording tools are the essential software or applications used to create high-quality audio or video content for sequential or episodic distribution to listeners or viewers.

Audio podcasts are typically distributed as standard MP3 files, while video podcasts may use various formats. Considerations when selecting a podcast recording system include usability, cost, and the need for additional features. These features can include musical intros, exits, or online and local editing capabilities. The ability to create publication feeds and efficiently distribute podcasts to various platforms, including RSS feeds, blogs, and other web properties, is also vital for reaching and engaging the target audience.

PRToolFinder will be adding a new category soon to include a list of podcast hosting providers to help you potential broadcasters start your search with well-known providers in the industry to get your search started.

Subscribe now to gain access.  If it saves you 1 hour of your time, it pretty much pays for itself.  And by having a comprehensive list to evaluate, you might even save money in your tool selection!


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