As a five-time PRSA Silver Anvil awardee, recipient of numerous PRSA Copper Anvils, Telly and Gold Screen Awards, I am a seasoned professional who consistently delivers outstanding leadership and project management, leading to winning outcomes that impress and inspire.
*Strategic PR Planning *Media Relations *Executive Communications *Non-Profit Leader
*Strategic Leadership *External/Internal Communications *TV/Video Production *Marketing
*Brand Management *Web Content/Social Media Management *Special Events Coordinator
• Leadership ability to envision future perspectives while inventing concepts to build winning outcomes. Skill set to make connections across many fields and use analogies that reflect differently about a problem to spark new thinking and increase market share. Believe in committee structures and functions as the group will always outperform any one individual’s idea. Expect results that will wow clients and strive to make it reality.
o Silver Anvil for PR Plan Creates Winning Opinions – 2004
o Silver Anvil for Reputation Management.- 2007
o Silver Anvil Award for Community Outreach – 2010
o Silver Anvil Award for Community Outreach, 2020
o Silver Anvil Award for Public Service, 2020
• Communications consultant between media members, government officials, congressional members and liaisons, medical experts and patients, employees and other stakeholders crafting news releases/media advisories, newsletters, web content, speeches, talking points, blogs, social media posts/tweets, TV shows, videos, photography, and other products. Develop proven best-in-class branding and integrated communications components.
• As an opinion researcher, I have successfully discovered stakeholder and marketing perceptions among 2,000 employees, 80,000 patients, the community at large, 500 volunteers, and 120 Veterans Service Organizations. My work has consistently led to positive image shifts, with improvements ranging from 30 to 80%, reassuring the audience of my impactful contributions.
• Event Project Manager for 27 years for the large-scale special event, “Phoenix Veterans Day Parade,” with 2,500 entrants, 40,000 spectators, and 300 volunteers, including all creative aspects. Generate $225,000 in sponsorships.
• Social Media Manager using Hootsuite for a variety of forums, including healthcare organizations, non-profits, and associations. Excellent resources on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
• Stellar Leadership:
Executive Director, Honoring America’s Veterans nonprofit (2020 to present)
Chair, PRSA Military and Veterans Task Force (2017-present)
PRSA Board of Ethics and Professional Standards (2017-2022)
PRSA Co-Council Section Chair 2016
Chair (2015) PRSA Western District, 10 chapters, five state region
Chair-Elect (2014) PRSA Western District covering 10 chapters on the West Coast.
Chair-Elect and Chair (2009-2010) of PRSA Health Academy with more than 800 members, leading creative efforts to enhance volunteerism, board support, and member engagement.
Chair 2006-2008 of the PRSA Health Academy Conference, garnering advantage with facilitators to increase educational values for members.
Board Member and President Phoenix Chapter PRSA, earning prestigious PRSA Percy Award for Leadership Excellence. Revamp chapter activities to align with strategic goals, increasing volunteer opportunities and recognition, tying strategic planning efforts.
Participant in Valley Leadership 2002 and Leadership VA 2004 earning “Sandra Keyes Elmo Award” for engaging personality and value base attributes.
• Pioneering: Creator of two 501c Veterans Community Advisory Boards, Veterans Medical Leadership Council in 1999 and Honoring Arizona’s Veterans in 2012
• Crisis and issues management for media relations, handling sensitive incidents, including congressional inquiries, investigative audits, Inspector General Reports, privacy breaches, etc.