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Media Monitoring & Measurement begins with your Needs Assessment

By Gina Milani

May 20, 2024

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.  There are so many dimensions to media monitoring and measurement that it’s hard to know where to begin. simplifies the process by categorizing a wide array of PR tools, making it easy to evaluate them before making a purchase. Through our blog, we spotlight valuable thought leadership and industry resources to aid in … Continue reading “Media Monitoring & Measurement begins with your Needs Assessment”

Introducing Prtoolfinder Community: A New Era for PR Tools

By Gina Milani

November 20, 2023

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It’s here! After months of development, I am thrilled to introduce you to Prtoolfinder Community. This is a complete reimagination of the PRToolFinder concept, designed to make finding PR tools easier than ever. The new site builds on the existing PRToolFinder database and now includes a PR Consultant’s Directory and forum functionality. Why Another PR … Continue reading “Introducing Prtoolfinder Community: A New Era for PR Tools”

Cision Introduces US Launch of AI-Powered CisionOne Platform

By Gina Milani

October 19, 2023

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This week, Cision unveiled its new AI-Powered CisionOne platform which is a cutting-edge media monitoring and outreach solution. It’s designed to revolutionize the PR and communications landscape. Initially launched in the UK, the AI-Powered CisionOne offers real-time, in-depth media insights. This enables PR professionals to track relevant news, analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions with … Continue reading “Cision Introduces US Launch of AI-Powered CisionOne Platform”

Finding the Best Media Monitoring and Measurement Tools

By Gina Milani

October 14, 2019

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Do you ever wish someone could guide you to the best tools for a specific PR activity? I find questions about Media Contact Databases and Media Monitoring and Measurement are the more prevalent. That’s one of the reasons for the creation of PRToolfinder. The goal is to help people find all the available tools in … Continue reading “Finding the Best Media Monitoring and Measurement Tools”